HSL Blood Transfusion
HSL currently operates five blood transfusion laboratories within NHS hospitals, including the blood establishment [BE] at University College London Hospitals. An additional three laboratories will be added to the HSL network in 2025. Our BT laboratories share common SOPs but in other respects they function independently. The referral pathway for each service is to NHSBT.
The transfusion services are led by a management team with vast experience and knowledge in transfusion including specialist areas of complex antibody investigations and regulatory compliance. HSL provides a clinically-led blood transfusion service to support acute and elective work.
The key services offered are:
- Blood grouping
- Antibody screening and Identification
- Estimation of foetal maternal haemorrhage
- Red cell phenotyping
- Direct Antiglobulin Test
- Issue of blood components
HSL blood transfusion laboratories adhere to a strict zero-tolerance policy for sample labelling and acceptance criteria, in line with national guidance.
In line with UK GMP (MHRA) requirements and UKTLC recommendations, our transfusion laboratories, are supported with trained and competent staff at every grade.
HSL has a dedicated blood transfusion compliance team that supports our blood transfusion laboratories and customer hospitals in the delivery of transfusion services in accordance with the Blood Safety and Quality Regulations 2005, legislation, standards and best practice guidelines in Blood Transfusion. The BT compliance team reports to the HSL Blood Transfusion Committee.
The HSL Blood Transfusion Committee consists of representatives drawn from clinical, executive, operational and quality management teams and is chaired by the HSL Blood Transfusion Consultant Speciality Lead. The committee reviews, advises and supports all the HSL transfusion laboratory services across the network
Our Biomedical Scientists are encouraged to present at national and international meetings; and service improvement projects are rolled out across sites as appropriate. A recent improvement project, presented as a poster at the BBTS conference, addressed the issue of better use of O RhD Negative blood to help conserve national stocks. The impact of this work has been extremely successful at two HSL sites with the initiative being rolled out to further sites within the network.