How to order a test
A completed request form (electronic or manual) must accompany each patient sample, with the details on the specimen label matching the details on the corresponding request form.
Note down the collection date and time on the request form.
Paper request forms should include the signature/initials of the person collecting the samples confirming:
- They have verified that the patient details on the label matches the patient details on the test requisition.
- The specimen has been drawn.
Electronic requesting can be made by:
- CERNER EPR is the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust’s internal electronic ordering system and result viewer. Detailed information for CERNER requesting is available on Freenet.
- T Quest is the electronic system (Indigo) for requesting and reporting tests in place for those GPs who have opted for this. A multipart single pathology request form is to be used when the electronic ordering system is unavailable.
- EPIC is the University College London Hospitals (UCLH) internal electronic ordering system and result viewer. Detailed information for EPIC is available from the UCLH EHRS team.
- CELLMA is the Mortimer Market electronic system for requesting and reporting in place for the STD service.
- MEDWAY is the North Middlesex NHS trust’s internal electronic ordering system and result viewer. Detailed information for MEDWAY requesting is available from the trust.
Requests should be completed with all relevant information including:
- NHS number (or hospital number) when appropriate.
- Patient name (Last name and First name)
- Date of birth
- Ward or clinic (if a referral from a hospital)
- Requesting doctor with contact number. The signature, bleep and/or contact number of the requesting doctor must also be completed.
- Clinical details
- Tests requested
- Date and time the sample was taken
- Consultant
- Date and time for crossmatched blood to be ready
- LMP (last menstrual period) – where appropriate
- Consent (where appropriate)
Royal Free London
Requests made on CERNER EPR
- Do not generate a request form except for Blood transfusion and both Cytopathology & Histopathology.
- Will generate a CERNER label which needs to be attached to the patient sample at the bedside prior to despatch to the Central Pathology Reception except for Blood Transfusion samples – where it is a requirement that the label on samples must be hand written legibly and signed by the person who bled the patient.
Manual Requests – in case of CERNER downtime
In the event that electronic requesting is not available:
- Wards have a stock pile of paper request forms.
- Request forms can be accessed using the URL http://freenet/freenetcms/Default. aspx?p=1795&m=2507&s=28#Downtime.
- Please complete all requests (form) legibly and ensure full identity is entered on both the top and any under copies if applicable.
- Departmental request forms can be ordered via the trust ordering system, not direct from departments. Note: Molecular Cytogenetics tests are not available on Cerner and forms are available on the TDL website:
Virology resistance samples require paper request forms, which indicate current and past treatments and viral load. Request forms are kept in the
Ian Charleson Day Centre.
University College London Hospitals
Requests made on EPIC
- Will generate an Epic label which needs to be attached to the patient samples at the bedside/ clinic prior to dispatch to the RRL/Specimen reception (SRA) at 60 Whitfield Street.
- Any extra labels which have been printed but where a specimen is being shared, must be put into the sample bag with the specimen and sent to the specimen reception.
Manual Requests – in case of EPIC downtime
In the event that electronic requesting is not available:
- The wards will be given access to paper/ electronic version of request forms by the trust.
- Please complete all requests (form) legibly and ensure full identity is entered on both the top and any under copies if applicable.
Mortimer Market
Requests made on CELLMA
- Will generate a CELLMA request form with barcode which needs to placed in the specimen bag pouch to accompany the labelled patient sample, which is taken in the clinic. Specimen and request form then are sent to the SRA at 60 Whitfield Street.
North Middlesex
Requests made on MEDWAY
- Will generate a MEDWAY request form with barcode which needs to placed in the specimen bag pouch to accompany the labelled patient sample, which is taken in the clinic. Specimen and request form then are sent to the SRA at the North Middlesex RRL.
Other Users
Any other user must ensure that specimens sent to the appropriate SRA, and all specimens are accompanied by a clearly and correctly filled out request form and clearly labelled specimen.
Urgent requests
Any urgent requests which have to be processed at the core laboratory must follow the urgent pathways which have been set up for each trust site.
- All requests for Virology and Microbiology must be cleared as urgent by an appropriate specialty pathology consultant. The laboratories will be contacted to indicate that there is an urgent sample coming to the core laboratory.
- Samples which are to be processed by the urgent pathway must be taken to the appropriate SRA and the need for this pathway indicated clearly.
- SRA will then arrange urgent courier and ensure that the correct procedure is followed to allow all laboratories to identify that this sample is urgent.
- Samples for MERS coronavirus must follow the urgent pathway and ensure that the samples are packaged in a Category B specimen box, and are not transported with other specimens.